District Manager

Ronald Pettigrew

District Manager, Ronald Pettigrew, was introduced to financial planning in 1999, after spending 30 years serving in the military. After obtaining the rank of Master Sergeant, Ron retired knowing he would spend the rest of his working years in the financial world. While on Active Duty, he was presented with a brief education on military benefits from a Financial Representative. Realizing there was much information he was not aware of, it became Ron’s mission to help other military members learn what he has discovered.

Since retiring, Ron put his passion for serving his fellow soldiers into action and started educating his clients on their financial future and military benefits. “My number one priority is to ensure my clients have all of the available and updated information they need to make educated decisions . . . I want them to be more prepared than I was,” he explains. With that simple goal in mind, Ron has transitioned his military career into a successful venture he’s become very proud of.

Get started on your journey to a rewarding career, like Ron has been able to accomplish, by completing our pre-screening application.